Jesus Swag Tee
$19.95 – $21.95This design is an updated version of our old Jesus swag shirt. One of the definitions of swag is “bold self assurance of style or manner” and when we are baptized in the Holy spirit we receive the fruit of the Spirit which is our swag freely given by Christ. Now we can walk boldly in our Jesusswag!
OG Jesus Swag Men’s Tee
$15.95The “#JesusSwag” was designed by a former partner in Sozo Apparel. This was the only design that was printed with my previous partners. Whenever I wore the shirt I was questioned as to the meaning of “Jesus Swag”, so after praying about how to answer this, the Lord gave me the fruit of the Spirit from Galatians 5:22 Love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, gentleness, and self-control, so I added this scripture to the back of the shirt as a definition if you will. The addition of the scripture falls in line with one of the original intentions to make sure every shirt has a scripture printed on it.