Welcome to the Truth Crew!

We are believers who are called of Jesus Christ and among whom you are also the called of Jesus Christ (Romans1:6).
I made a vow to God to incorporate a scripture on or within each design – the Word is inspired, not the address because faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Our love for the Word of God is our inspiration for this fellowship. We invite you to join our elite remnant.
The Truth Crew is $4.95 per month.
At the end of each quarter, we will send you a brand-new shirt with the Word on it! Not only will you get to rock a new shirt, but you also get 24/7 additional discounts inthe store for being part of the Crew!
Sign up below then make sure once you receive your first shirt to post a pic on Instagram and/or Facebook and tag us @sozoapparel and we will send you a special discount coupon.
Here is to you and I being mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.
God Bless,
Truth Crew